When did Pizza Hut become a Hooters? Have you SEEN this commercial ? It grosses me the heck out. The kid is like what, 13 years old? Jessica Simpson is a ho with obnoxious articulation. And in the version I keep seeing on TV there are muppets, yes, muppets involved as well. Miss Piggy is about to get all kung fu on Kermie if he doesn't stop looking at Jessica or the pizza or whatever the hell is being sold in this commercial. I wish Piggy'd get all kung fu on Ms. Simpson. And while she's at it she should smack the boy's parents. What the hell?! I LOVE the muppets. Why oh why have they been enslaved into selling porn...er...pizza. Jim Henson, I am so sorry your legacy has come to this. It's so sleazy getting green...
Sometimes a girl's gotta put on her big girl underoos & deal with it.