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Showing posts from September, 2008

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Dear men voting for McCain, Just so you know, if McCain and Palin make it to the White House women of the United States will be abstaining from sex for the next four to eight years. Birth control fails, and, since you support it being taught in schools so much, abstinence is the only way to go. Thought you'd like to know. Sassy ----------------------------- Dear Women voting for McCain/Palin - Are you f%^$ing crazy? Sassy


You ever have one of those days where you're anxious for no apparent reason? It feels like you had too much caffeine or sugar but you didn't have any? That's me all day today. I'm guessing it's coming from a big presentation/performance thing I have going on this weekend wherein I have to rap. Yes. Rap. Like this . Have I mentioned I'm a white girl from New Hampshire? I can't seem to control my nerves as much as I'd like to and it's annoying me. I really don't need to have butterflies 48 hours in advance. I'd be happy with just a couple hours of pre-performance freak out thank you very much.

Just call me Carrots

I was told yesterday that I look like Megan Follows, the woman who played Anne in the PBS series Anne of Green Gables . I don't really see it; however, since I longed (who am I kidding, long ) to be Anne and have Gilbert Blythe fall in love with me I'm going to take it in the flattering manner in which it was intended. Puff sleeves and all.

Literature or Decor?

I stole this verbatim from Joolya at Naked Under My Lab Coat . "What we have here is the top 106 books most often marked as "unread" by LibraryThing’s users. As in, they sit on the shelf to make you look smart or well-rounded. Bold the ones you've read, put in blue the ones you read for school, italicize the ones you started but didn't finish." Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Anna Karenina Crime and Punishment Catch-22 One Hundred Years of Solitude Wuthering Heights The Silmarillion Life of Pi : a novel The Name of the Rose Don Quixote Moby Dick Ulysses Madame Bovary The Odyssey Pride and Prejudice Jane Eyre The Tale of Two Cities The Brothers Karamazov Guns, Germs, and Steel: the fates of human societies War and Peace Vanity Fair The Time Traveler’s Wife The Iliad Emma The Blind Assassin The Kite Runner Mrs. Dalloway Great Expectations American Gods A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Atlas Shrugged Reading Lolita in Tehran : a memoir in books Memoi...

'Scuse me, your mysogeny is showing.

I'm not going to vote for Sarah Palin. However. I think it's bullshit when people comment that she shouldn't be running because she's got 5 kids and a lot on her plate (granddaughter on the way, a 5 month old with Down Syndrome). If someone said that about a man, well, I just don't know what I'd do because it wouldn't be said about a man. In fact, Obama got the opposite kind of flack for going on vacation and spending time with his daughters*. Kids, can you say double standard? Would I want her life? No. Do I want her to win? No. But do I think she has a right to run for political office? Absolutely. * A spokesman for McCain painted the Hawaii trip as an indulgence. "Americans are facing sky-high gas prices, and instead of Barack Obama taking the initiative to call his allies in Congress back from vacation to carve out real energy relief, he's joining them at the beach," Tucker Bounds said.

Something I ate?

I've been having the weirdest dreams lately. Last week I dreamed my niece went into a mine (or something like that) where bad (paranormal?) things had happened to kids over decades but instead of bad things happening to her she ended up being the "chosen one" and when she came out she brought all the other kids out with her. They were still the age they were when they went in and they were wearing their outfits from whatever period they were from. Hoop skirts, suspenders, etc... Then, I had another dream where my Dad was morbidly obese. As in home bound. As in bring on the crane to get him out of bed. (I have to stop watching the Discovery Health channel.) Finally, last night, I dreamed that Friendster Guy joined the military and was heading for Iraq. Without telling me. Boy was I pissed.