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Showing posts from August, 2019

Everything old is new again...

It's been 10 years since last I posted here. Ten. Years. I guess it is true that things on the internet never disappear. I'm honestly shocked I was able to log in. A quick update: Friendster Guy and I split up, amicably, 2 years ago. Since then I've dated 3 gentlemen, the most recent of which lasted a year but once again, ended. Amicably. I'm excellent at breakups apparently. I have just reentered the world of on-line dating and was thinking how I used to chronicle my exploits here. A lot of things have changed in the interim - texting, Facebook being open to all, the ubiquity of camera phones, a new generation of dating sites/apps. But, a lot of things haven't. Men are The technology may have changed, but the people behind the scenes are still the same. The main difference is that I'm now 15 years older. Maybe, just maybe, I'm also wiser. And maybe, if I cross my fingers really hard, so are the gentlemen I end up meeting.