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Gone by the wayside

I have no idea if anyone is reading this anymore. If you have been loyally checking back now and again I applaud you.

At one point this blog was a therapeutic outlet for me. I'm glad to have a chronicle of my experiences during this time of my life. Now, however, instead of a creative outlet it's more of a nagging reminder that I should be posting and this girl does not need one more thing on her "To Do" list.

I'd love for you to explore the archives if you so chose. If you have already done so, here's a brief update:

Friendster Guy and I are still together and co-habitating. We are in domestic, but still unwedded, bliss (that status could be a post or two in and of itself, but, as I've just said, I'm done with that.) We're so domesticated we're in the market for granite countertops. We also just returned from an Aussie/New Zealand vacation and if 8 days in a tiny RV won't solidify (or destroy) a relationship nothing will. We're stronger then ever.

So, they lived happily ever after. If that changes, I'll let you know.


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Unknown said…
The international phase of the first Arab-Israeli war took place after a UN General Assembly resolution recommending the partition of Palestine into separate Arab and Jewish states and Israel’s subsequent declaration of its status as an independent state on May 14, 1948. Cheap Jordan Shoes,Transjordanian forces were small but well-trained and professional. Abdullah initially assigned them the mission of taking control of all territory that had been allocated lor the Arab state in the partition of Palestine. The British were informed of this plan by General Glubb with British foreign Secretary Bevin responding, “It seems the obvious thing to do ... but do not go and invade the area allocated to the Jews.”, Later, the Jordanians departed from this plan and became involved in heavy fighting in Jerusalem, Air Jordan Shoes, which was projected to have been an international city under the UN resolution. This change in plan led to an increased use of the Arab Legion in exactly the sort of fighting that Glubb had hoped to avoid.

The Arab Legion commander considered the Jewish militia (Hagana) and strike force (Palmach) to be adept at urban combat in ways that his Bedouin troops were not. Unsurprisingly, both Israeli and Transjordanian casualties were heavy in the subsequent fighting within the city. King Abdullah claims to have refocused his efforts on Jerusalem in response to urgent appeals for rescue from Arabs living there, and thus directed his military away from a variety of more feasible missions. These statements probably do not reflect the full story. Abdullah is also known to have felt a special emotional tie to Jerusalem and may have believed he had a family responsibility to defend the Muslim holy sites from Israeli capture. As the fighting went forward, Retro Jordans, it quickly became apparent that Jerusalem would not be internationalized at the end of the war, and one side or the other would establish control over the area through military action.
NGIP said…
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NGIP said…
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A Phone Conversation: Me: "In the spirit of full disclosure, I should let you know I am signed up to auction myself off at a batchelor/batchelorette auction next month." Friendster Guy: "How much does a single girl go for these days? Will I have to bring my checkbook?" Right thing to say Friendster Guy. Right thing to say. Also, today is Compliment Day. According to this site , this day was created in 1998 by Kathy Chamberlin, of Hopkinton, NH. and Debby Hoffman, of Concord, NH. Sad that it took until 1998 to have a Compliment Day while National Pie Day began in 1986 (thanks American Pie Council and Crisco), and National Handwriting Day started way back in 1977. Spread the love today. Compliment 5 people. By the way, you're fabulous. * Mycology = the study of fungus