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Resolution: First 40 things about me

One of my New Years resolutions was to write a list of 100 things about me. Here's the first 40.

1) I like to sing at the top of my lungs in the car and would do the same in the shower if my apartment didn't have a noise ordinance and I actually had hot water to waste time in.

2) I like the simple things in life, whatever that means.

3) I hate spending money.

4) I love eating out.

5) I love sleeping in.

6) I hate the sound of people chewing.

7) I love laughing.

8) I hate pranks like on Punk'd or Crank Yankers.

9) I'd rather receive a thoughtful homemade gift or meal than flowers or candy given because that's what's expected.

10) I respect honesty and try to be honest.

11) I don't like not knowing what someone is thinking about me.

12) I like to follow the golden rule.

13) I think anger is a useless emotion, although every so often it gets the better of me.

14) I think henna is the most beautiful artform in the world.

15) I always give people the benefit of the doubt and a second chance.

16) I'm friends or at least acquaintances with every guy I've ever been in a relationship with.

17) I would like to hike the NH portion of the Appalachian Trail.

18) I signed up for a half marathon next summer but I hate running.

19) I want to be a lounge singer or belly dancer.

20) I enjoy spending time goofing off with friends.

21) I am procrastinating on my thesis.

22) I spend too much time on-line.

23) I have a hard time taking instructions from people, especially from loved ones.

24) I love when grown men do something childlike (not childish) such as getting all excited about a Christmas special.

25) I love when kids dress themselves and walk around town in outlandish outfits. My favorite was the kid in a mask and cape in the middle of the summer for no reason whatsoever. I also like their parents for letting them.

26) I hate coconut. Especially the kind in candy.

27) My biggest fear is of dieing by not being able to breathe.

28) I'm a sucker for whoopie pies and Devil dogs.

29) I would love to own a Great Dane.

30) I'm allergic to cats.

31) I get so motion sick that I've had to turn off decorating shows that zoomed in and panned too quickly.

32) I do not consider myself an athlete even though I teach a class at my gym and I've completed several 5Ks, 4 triathlons, and I've played on a softball team for 3 years.

33) I cry more often because of happy emotions (Hallmark commercials) than sad.

34) My signature color is red.

35) I've never had a nickname.

36) I could eat pizza every day.

37) I get jittery and woosy if I drink caffeine in the afternoon.

38) I've never broken a bone or needed stitches.

39) I've donated plasma and blood.

40) I think humor and laughter during intimate physical moments is amazing.


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