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Blog Update

I've added a bunch of blogs to my blog roll. Most have some sort of feminist bent but I also thought it would be interesting to see what bloggers are doing on the other side of the world in the country we are currently sending down the road to so there are two blogs from Iraq as well.

Speaking of the rest of the world I'd like to say a big howdy doo to Nigeria, Bukina Faso, Sudan, Egypt, South Africa, Columbia, Nicaragua and Hong Kong all of which have recently popped up on my little mappy thing.

As for my 7 goals (see right), I keep plugging away. On the Clutter/Discardia front I took out a ton of crappy little useless (and might I say ugly) Christmas and Easter decorations from where they were stored and they will be on the next truckload to the thrift store. I also managed to bring a load of books and VHS tapes (The Star Wars Trilogy, Willow, Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally) to the drop off spot for the 5 Colleges Book Sale. I had already replaced all the VHS tapes with DVDs so it wasn't hard to say goodbye to my favorite movies.

By the way it's getting lonely out here in the blogosphere without anyone posting comments (Thanks NPapaya). I guess I need to find a controversial topic to talk about and see if I can get the comment juices flowing. Mayhaps you are bored with my inspirational story of declutterfication? I've lost, like, 100 pounds worth of stuff! It's the best diet ever! How is that not inspirational?

Oh, here's something I can mention. I had a moment of sheer and utter disregard for my fitness goals last night. I was standing in Boot Camp class about to do sprints when I entered some serious inner turmoil telling myself to just leave. It was like that little devil was sitting on my shoulder saying "You don't have to do this. You don't like this class anyway. Who needs it? That girl next to you doesn't. Look how fit she is. You could go to the gym every day until the Rapture and you won't look like that. Just leave. You're never going to be thin anyway so just give up." And I almost did. Then, I glimpsed myself in the mirror and realized I did need to be there, and also I realized that the class wasn't feeling all that hard. As soon as I realized how fit I was and how fast I was going I did a 360 and stayed for the whole thing. I also ended up partnered with the really fit girl. There's nothing like being able to keep up with a former soccer/rugby player in her early 20s with visible back muscles to make you feel ok about yourself. Plus she was really nice. I could tell she had been on sports teams though because she clapped and kept saying things like "good job" and "keep it up!" after each rep of some of the exercises.

I was never on a sports team. At least not in high school or college. I am now on a coed softball team but we're mostly in it for the beer afterward and for the excuse to hang out outside for a couple of hours once or twice a week. We certainly don't train. Our first practice is usually our first game. It's a good time. My X is on the team as well. We'll probably get along more now than when we were together.


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