Whatever happened to domestic issues? I'm not talking household chores here people, I'm talking about political issues dealing with what is going on here in the United States. All we ever hear about anymore is Iraq and immigration. And maybe a murder or two. What about the people here who live in poverty with no utilities and are surrounded by violence on a daily basis? What about our education system? What the heck is going on here that we aren't addressing with billions of dollars in aid?
In 2001 we had so much promise and the goodwill of the world. And we (I use the term we VERY loosely) went out and screwed it up by invading some country that had nothing to do with the problems we were actually facing.
Our borders are fake. They are lines on a map that don't show up if you're walking or driving over them. We're all human. We're all afraid. We all want the best for our families. Am I better off than I was 4 years ago? Honestly, I am. Is the world? No way.
I really do think the world would be a better place if women ran it. Despite PMS, we're much more level headed and more importantly, willing to compromise. We're also able to ask for help. And we know when someone is full of shit when they say "Honey, don't hire a professional. I can fix the garbage disposal (democracy in the middle east)."
In 2001 we had so much promise and the goodwill of the world. And we (I use the term we VERY loosely) went out and screwed it up by invading some country that had nothing to do with the problems we were actually facing.
Our borders are fake. They are lines on a map that don't show up if you're walking or driving over them. We're all human. We're all afraid. We all want the best for our families. Am I better off than I was 4 years ago? Honestly, I am. Is the world? No way.
I really do think the world would be a better place if women ran it. Despite PMS, we're much more level headed and more importantly, willing to compromise. We're also able to ask for help. And we know when someone is full of shit when they say "Honey, don't hire a professional. I can fix the garbage disposal (democracy in the middle east)."
there's a veritable war over a new development project that would either be really really bad for the city or really really good (i'm in the it's bad camp), and we're talking about the consequences of removing a 5-mile section of the interstate that goes right through the center of the city.
while international and national politics have long been of utmost importance to me, i think it all starts locally, and when we figure out how to make things right here in the city, we can help show other places around the country. i know that's how we're taking our cues.