I had uploaded some of my pics of the things I discarded to Flickr but then I reached my monthly "upload limit" and would have had to pay to upload more. I already use Snapfish to store my photos for free so I don't need to be paying to store more in another place. So yes, my cheapness has hampered your viewing of my crap. Here are a few choice photos to stop you from rioting. Easter decor and Christmas decor given to me, a book on exercise from the 70s/early 80s, and my humungous jacket that was warm as heck but was like wearing half a sleeping bag.

If you are looking around your place thinking about getting rid of stuff, do it! Think WWSPD? (What would Sassy Pants do?) I'll tell you what she'd do. She'd take that crocheted tea cozy and bring it post-haste to the Goodwill, Salvation Army, or thrift store of your choice. Here are a couple of links for you Upper Valley Locals.
Stuff in general - The Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste Management District. You can find handy links to where to bring stuff - books, clothes, furniture etc...under Reuse.
Books - bring them to the Hanover or Lebanon Coop for the 5 Colleges Book Fair. You can always replenish your supply at the actual book fair.
Computer stuff - Wincycle in Windsor, VT
Local thrift stores - LISTEN
That should get you started!

Stuff in general - The Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste Management District. You can find handy links to where to bring stuff - books, clothes, furniture etc...under Reuse.
Books - bring them to the Hanover or Lebanon Coop for the 5 Colleges Book Fair. You can always replenish your supply at the actual book fair.
Computer stuff - Wincycle in Windsor, VT
Local thrift stores - LISTEN
That should get you started!