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Sassy Pant's Eight

Otherwise known as things that bore you when I blog about them.

1) Finances - I did some calculations and it seems that my life costs me between $45 and $65 per day. That's a heck of a lot of money. Half of that seems to be my cell phone bill which is too high considering I hardly use it. I should look into changing my plan. My biggest expense is rent. So much so that I'm thinking about getting a temporary roomate for the summer. There are students in my masters program who come in specifically for the summer session. They are usually teachers so that wouldn't be so bad. What is looming over my head financially are my student loans. If I had to pay them currently I wouldn't be able to which is why it is great that I have them in deferrment because of my...

2) Thesis - I finished transcribing another interview. 15 down, 2 to go. Then I may have to do a handful more to round it all out. I vow to have a Masters by my 30th birthday. Therefore, I have until August.

3) Vacation - Nova Scotia is now out so Friendster Guy and I may go scuba diving off of Cape Cod instead. I am licensed but haven't gone since I got that license which was when I was 14. One of us (me) is going to die.

4) Fitness/Physique - I've already run 9 miles this week. According to my training plan I'm supposed to do a 7 mile run this weekend. Eek. That's a 10K. Have I mentioned that up until about 3 years ago I was pretty much a couch potato? Sure, I went to the gym now and then and watched TV while walking on the treadmill. I even lifted a couple weights here and there. But to be a runner now really boggles my mind. Still. Even though I've done (i.e. survived) 4 sprint length triathlons I still don't consider myself an athlete. I have to work on that. I guess I was in the fat, or at least unfit, crowd long enough to know how annoyed people get with people like the me I now am. But I wasn't always like this. You too can compete in triathlons, and run 10Ks. Seriously. If I can do it, so can you. Start here. It's an all female triathlon. And they don't call you "girls".

5) My Stuff/Clutter - I'm slowing down on this front slightly but I did pull out boxes of financial documents to go through and then shred. And I brought the bags of other stuff to the donation center.

6) Work - Pblttt. Work is work. I'm bringing projects to fruition after years of languishing in half completed states so that's good. I have the world's least defined job so I'm attempting to bring definition to it. Or at least purge the old projects in favor of new ones.

7) Diet - There is a reason I do not purchase things that are bad for me when I go to the grocery store. Things that are bad for me being defined as 8 packs of Devil Dogs. The reason is that I will eat them very, very quickly. I had 3 with dinner the night I bought them. The box is empty. It's been maybe 48 hours. Maybe.

8) Relationship - This is good. If our only problem is me freaking out about him taking too much over time, I think we're doing ok. At least we enjoy each other company when we do see each other. Oh! and can I just tell you that the man made salmon crepes with capers and bechamel sauce yesterday! For no reason. He just felt like it. And they were good. They gave me a little problem when I was running today (I had to sprint to a campus building) but that may be too much information.

That's the latest and greatest on my goals. You can wake up now. I'm sure I'll get indignant about something else soon enough.


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