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Social Security and Sugar Shock

Guess where I went today?

The World's Longest Candy Counter. That's right. Candy, candy, candy as far as the eye can see.
(My goal to limit refined sugars has been blissfully forgotten.)

My goal for the day was to take a road trip to Littleton, NH to get my social security card changed back to my maiden name and then spend the day hanging out with Friendster Guy instead of sitting at work. The latter part of my goal was great. But as for the former, apparently the documents given me by the court were not official enough and didn't give enough information about me to actually let the social security office change my name. I can't believe that I am the only woman who ever got divorced in NH and needed documents to change her name. As a matter of fact I know two other women - my Mom and my step-mom (divorce is a fine family tradition) - who needed to do the same thing in the past. I may be crazy, but shouldn't they always give the person who wants to change their name a certified copy of a document saying they can and having all the details the federal government needs to make the change? Am I asking too much for things to make sense? I know I'm dealing with the state and federal governments here so I can't expect too much but divorce has been legal in NH since what? The 1960s or earlier (I Googled but had no luck finding the actual date). Sometime in that period SOMEONE should have made the state paperwork jive with the federal requirements.

If only I ruled the world.

Anyway, besides that, Friendster Guy and I had a really great day. We wandered Littleton, had lunch, ate bags of candy we bought at the world's longest candy counter, and then drove around New Hampshire trying to find me a moose. I've lived here most of my life and have never seen one. But it was not to be. No moose. I'm pretty sure they know I'm coming and have an eleborate system of communication to make sure I don't see them. On the roundabout way home we stopped at the Basin in Franconia State Park. It was a beautiful day even though I didn't accomplish much besides being a tourist. But that ain't too bad either.


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