In case you weren't sure what foods were "chick" foods and what foods were "manly," Burger King spells it out for you in this commercial here (click on "Manthem"). Now that I don't have cable I have to rely on web surfing and blogs to help me ferret out misogyny wherever it rears it's ugly head. Thanks Shell!
So guys, tofu, sushi and quiche (even though you can joke about it being a "quicky") are all out. You must eat beef. YOU...MUST...EAT...MEAT!!!
Does anyone else find it oddly amusing that they put up signs saying "Eat this meat!" and it's aimed at guys?
And what a waste of a perfectly good minivan. I hope he remembered to take the kids out first. Multitasking (being manly AND caring for his kids) might have been a little tough with all that testosterone flowing.
So guys, tofu, sushi and quiche (even though you can joke about it being a "quicky") are all out. You must eat beef. YOU...MUST...EAT...MEAT!!!
Does anyone else find it oddly amusing that they put up signs saying "Eat this meat!" and it's aimed at guys?
And what a waste of a perfectly good minivan. I hope he remembered to take the kids out first. Multitasking (being manly AND caring for his kids) might have been a little tough with all that testosterone flowing.
the thing is, what all these ads are really saying is, "it's manly to eat like crap and die young of an obesity-induced heart attack, because you should be eating our food every night this week."
SAUSAGE!!! Because that's totally manly.
And Sassy, I thought I was the only one to notice how absurd it was that they had "EAT THIS MEAT" signs in the background. That's not exactly sending the hetero-manly-man message they want.