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'Save the Males' 'cuz good lord knows they aren't going to save themselves

Thank goodness this guy cleared a few things up for me. I had no idea my feminist leanings were destroying the moral fiber, nay, the whole structure of our society. Just in case you too were duped into thinking you were fighting the "patriarchy" but in fact are a victim of a plot to bring down the birth rate by spreading sexual chaos among men and women, I share some "facts" with you below. Did you realize that by stamping out "sexism," feminists really want to expunge heterosexuality? I had NO idea. It's a gosh darn good thing I stumbled upon Save the Males.

I quote some of my favorite things from this article below [with color commentary]:

"Let's begin by reaffirming our distinct male or female identities...
The essence of masculinity is power. Isn't it obvious? It's what women respond to [that and bank statements. Give me Sylvester Stallone with a portfolio and I'm all over it. What ever happened to Sylvester Stallone anyway?]. Similarly, men are drawn to vulnerability in women. We want to protect them. [Except for those guys who want to beat them, rape them, and force them to submit to their every will. But hey, masculinity is power (see above if you don't believe me). Abuse of power is par for the course.]

To equalize power is to eliminate sexual distinction. This doesn't mean that woman are not powerful and effective as women, but not by becoming men.

Men -- steer clear of any sexual relationship where you are not in charge. [Because otherwise you are a pussy. And real men aren't pussies. Real men are powerful. If you aren't raping the woman, you damned well should be. You're in charge buckeroo. No matter what she says. No only means no until you wear her down with your masculinity.]

Just as femininity should be respected, so should masculinity. [Ok fine. I'll give him that.]

You emasculate a man when you take away his power. [But only because he 's told he is emasculated by society when his power is taken away. And what the hell is this "power" anyway? Can he make himself invisible? I'd be pretty ticked if they took that power away from me too. You get used to walking around with no clothes on. It saves a ton of cash.]

A husband will consult his wife but eventually someone has to make a decision. A man who is ruled by his wife is less a man. He feels like a little boy with his mother. [And we all know all men hate their Moms. The woman who nurtured them, kissed their booboos, held them after their Dad called them a wuss for crying after they broke their femur. And on the decision front, when was the last time the decisions didn't fall to the woman? What to eat, where to go on vacation, what schools the kids should go to...I could go on but you get the picture.]

On the other hand, when his wife accepts his leadership, he feels like a man. Women help to make men. [Biologically, I'm pretty sure it's the other way around.]

Similarly, a wife who follows her husband's leadership feels more like a woman. If she can't follow him, she should be married to someone else. [Here, here! If only I had someone to help me pick out my clothes in the morning. And tell me what to eat for breakfast. Or tell me what I should be cooking. Then, and only then, will I be fulfilled as a woman. Until that time I'm going to keep trying to find me a real man who won't value my opinions, will put me in my place, and will lead me around like dog. Wish me luck on my quest.]

There is no such thing as "equality" in terms of power. (Feminist "equality" is really a ploy for female domination. For example, you don't hear feminists calling for equality at universities where women often outnumber men by 2-1 .) [Are there any physics majors out there who'd like to refute this. I'm only a girl so I don't know anything about science or math but I think I might have had a boyfriend once who explained to me the whole negative/positive, potential/kinetic energy thing. I didn't get it though. Science is too hard for my brain to wrap around. Now cosmetology? I'm all over that.]

Men should avoid opinionated, aggressive, demanding women. It's too late to save them. This will spare you a great deal of time, money and anguish. [Oh good lord. I don't want a man who thinks like this anyway. Good riddance to bad rubbish. My dating pool is full enough as it is.]

The essence of femininity is for a woman to depend on the man she loves. [Wait? Did they have the internet in 1950? Did I just not check the date on this article?]

The intimate male-female dynamic is for woman to entrust worldly power to her husband, and for him to use it to make her happy. [Or dominate her and make her want to die with every breath.]

Man wants power. Women want love (not power.) They ARE different. [So glad he cleared that up. Does that mean that men don't want love? Why do they want a woman then? For sex? Ok. Then maybe all the guys should get together and just use each other for sex. They can play out power struggles all they want and not have to worry about making anyone happy. Problem solved.]

A man wants to make the woman he loves happy . Does he consult her? How else can he please her? [This is not how my past plays out people. I don't think men know this one. I'm all for it but lording it over her is not the way to do it.]

She reciprocates by making him happy. The energy flows. [Translation: She reciprocates by giving him blowjobs, beer and home cooked meals.]

Woman must give man the power to love her. If she is "strong, bold and independent," as she is being taught, he becomes redundant ( i.e. the true feminist agenda.) [Don't be fooled by the true feminist agenda ladies. Stand by your man. Be weak, timid, and dependent. You know, like all the mail order brides they are importing over here to make up for the lack of feminine women in the US of A. Like the author of this article is doing by the way.]

Woman shows she loves a man by empowering him, by surrendering and trusting. Women want to be possessed by a man's love. (They are not men.) [Actually, what I really want is some dark chocolate, a romantic comedy in the DVD player, and someone to rub my feet. I want to be possessed by a man's love as much as Linda Blair wanted to be possessed by the devil in The Exorcist. I want to be loved in an equal partnership, not possessed.]

Of course the contract breaks down if the man doesn't keep his end of the bargain. He must be her champion, loyal and loving to the end. If this contract breaks down, the marriage is over. [Well, at least we agree on that. Of course he also means if the guy is whipped the relationship should be over as well. You failed as a man now your marriage must fail. No matter that you as a couple are happier than anyone else you know. Too bad pussy boy. Your marriage is based on equality, sharing and communication. Get thee to divorce court.]

A feminist tends to try to control a man, to tell him how to please her (without being asked, and as if she always knows what she really wants.) These relationships fail. [Aaagghhhh!!! WHAT? "as is she always knows what she really wants." As if a man's going to know what I want more than I do. I can't be glib about this particular passage. I just can't. I'm not even going to give this guy the benefit of being a whacko. He's not. He's more scary than that. He's sane and really believes this shit. He's very, very dangerous.]

A woman is a vehicle by nature. She is waiting for a man's call. She wants to be used by the man she loves for a higher purpose. One such purpose is to create a healthy happy family. [Or, to be Napolized. After all, you do donuts with your car. You can mistreat your other "vehicle" the same way. Why not? It's her nature and she's just waiting for your call to fulfill her higher purpose.]

A man, therefore, should have a clear idea of what he wants, and the role he wants a woman to play. Then he finds a wife who meets HIS criteria instead of contorting himself for every sexually attractive woman he meets. [I agree. If you are a dickhead, I don't want to be with you. I feel very bad for the woman who ends up with you. Hopefully she finds some feminist blogs, cracks you on the skull with a kitchen appliance, and gets the hell out of there.]

A man's first passion should always be his work. As my father tried to tell me, "a man's work is his backbone." [And a man's backbone should be broken by the will of a strong woman. In addition, work isn't exactly all that nice to snuggle up next to at night. Enjoy your loneliness.]

Women think they want to be a man's first love, but they don't respect these men. [Huh?]

Age-old standards of masculinity still apply. [Since when?] A man must supply just leadership and sustenance to his family. Therefore he must have control.

These days men have no way to measure themselves. They are like little boys looking for love. A woman needs to be enlisted, not entreated. [Are you feeling patriotic ladies? Sign yourselves up.]

Woman's nature is to nurture and love her husband and children. She wants to be needed, honored and loved in return. A woman should never be taken for granted. (Nor should a man.) [Well duh.]

When a woman identifies with her husband, they become one in marriage. If they remain "independent," they remain roommates open to every temptation. Certainly a woman has her own interests and career but these are not her first priority. [Ok, I vaguely resemble that remark. Not the career priority thing but the independence in a marriage comment. But it goes both ways buddy. If there is nothing holding you together, it isn't going to work.]

A woman has a limited "window of opportunity" (approximately 12 years) in which to start a family. Millions have been duped into concentrating on a career instead of a husband. They are consigned to lonely frustrated bitter lives thumbing well-worn copies of "The Vagina Monologues". [Yup. He described my life to a T. Bitter? Check. Lonely? Check. Frustrated? Check. Only I also have The Feminist Mystique and Lorena Bobbitt's memoir in addition to the Vagina Monologues.] [I'm guessing his "12 years" is ages 18-30. Although it's more difficult, women can have kids until 45 or more. That's closer to 25-30 years to start a family. the only duping is if you fall for his shit.]

A woman wants to be an extension of her husband. She is the spiritual ground in which he plants his seed. [Barf] She is the recipient of his spirit. [SUPER Barf!] By "accepting" him wholeheartedly, he "belongs" to her. This union results in psychological maturity for both. Together they create a new world and bring children into it." [I like the concept of HIM "belonging" to HER. But I've never heard of psychological maturity coming to a man as a result of sex. Quite the opposite in fact.]

Blah, blah, blah. He goes on a little more but you get the picture. He has plenty of other articles to get your blood boiling. Enjoy.


Mrs. Harridan said…
As the saying goes, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. I think your comments are spot-on.

"Similarly, a wife who follows her husband's leadership feels more like a woman. If she can't follow him, she should be married to someone else." But if all men should be POWERFUL, what poor sap will be left for her to torture with her own wants (as if she knows what they are!)? I'm just sayin'.

I will now go beat my head against a wall.
DecemberFlower said…

I feel like stabbing something.
DecemberFlower said…
This guy has a PhD? In what? Crazy? D:
Sassy Pants said…
Men. Can't live with them, can't kill them. At least not without help to dispose the body.

I've got a shovel (I took it out so I could wade through the bullshit). Who's with me?

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