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Happiness is...

I missed that my last post was my 300th! Holy Moses.

In celebration, here's a list of 100 plus free(ish) things that make me happy. Feel free to add more in the comments. I'd love to collect 1000!

1) sleeping in my own bed after a trip
2) lazy Saturdays
3) Having organized closets
4) meeting new people
5) reconnecting with people I already know
6) trying new things
7) making people smile
8) making people laugh
9) inside jokes
10) being with my 3.5 year old niece.
11) unsolicited hugs from my niece
12) connecting with a child
13) playing hookie from work for an hour
14) my flowers actually growing
15) getting things done before the deadline
16) getting compliments from an ex-boyfriend who is an ex because he gave me the opposite of compliments while we were going out.
17) Mangos
18) seeing grown men act like kids (not adolescents) – i.e. getting all excited about something from their youth
19) Browsing in stores with artistic tchotchkies
20) Mocha lattes (ok, not quite free but whatever)
21) Catching a ground ball and tagging someone out
22) Socializing with friends
23) green living things after a long winter
24) changing the page on my calendar
25) Beating my time in a 5K
26) Flirting
27) Parents doing stuff with their kids
28) Lying in the grass
29) romantic comedies
30) seeing someone I haven’t seen in a long time
31) Harry Potter books and movies
32) Lord of the Rings books and movies
33) Billy Boyd
34) beer time after softball games
35) whoopie pies
36) laughter
37) getting comments on my blog
38) discovering new muscles
39) Fantasizing
40) seeing new places
41) Crossing something off my to do list.
42) My favorite song on the radio
43) Being able to roll down the windows in my car
44) bumping into someone unexpectedly
45) Getting RSVPs
46) Discovering that I am not an idiot, it was the data that was screwed up.
47) good hair days
48) finding pants that fit
49) getting to the cash register and finding out something is on sale.
50) funny blogs about life
51) singing showtunes at the top of my lungs
52) Having different friends to vent to about different things
53) Puppies
54) Irish accents
55) Any accents
56) Blogging
57) Maple trees
58) getting out of a speeding ticket
59) a fresh box of crayons
60) the ocean
61) Kids wearing costumes when its not Halloween
62) Doing something I’ve never done before
63) Getting an email from someone unexpectedly.
64) Talking like peers with my boss, and her boss.
65) Empty sketchpads waiting to be filled.
66) getting my hair washed by a professional
67) discovering courage I didn’t know I had
68) Crisp autumn air
69) unexpected hugs
70) Finding my favorite song on the radio
71) Dancing with wild abandon
72) Waking up naturally with no plans to get out of bed
73) Hearing that my niece wore big girl panties for the first time. Care Bear panties if you must know.
74) Beads
75) Finding out something I never knew about someone that amazes me and makes me respect or admire them even more for their strength, humor, persistence or what have you.
76) Mastering a new skill - like bunting.
77) Hearing a compliment I wasn't necessarily supposed to hear
78) Discovering that I can run further and further each time I try
79) Seeing the moon when it's super big
80) Fireflies
81) S'mores
82) Warm towels fresh out of the drier
83) Feety pajamas
84) Hearing frogs in the springtime
85) Snuggling
86) Fitting perfectly in someone's arms
87) Secret personal codes between myself and another person
88) Saying what I mean
89) Honesty - even if it may hurt for a minute, it makes things better in the long run.
90) Consideration
91) Romance
92) Humor
93) Dipping my feet in the water
94) Canonballing into the water
95) Swimming underwater
96) Serendipity
97) Coincidence
98) Sunsets
99) chocolate
100) Halloween
101) Listening to rain on a roof
102) Finishing the dishes, laundry or whatever other chore needs to be done
103) Seeing deer or other wild animals in my neighborhood
104) Bubbles
105) Being able to walk to a seasonal ice cream window. And bakery/cafe, and pizza place. Not to mention the post office, bank, and grocery store.
106) Sex with someone I feel comfortable with (I can't believe I didn't put this on the list until 106!)
107) Finding money
108) Paying off my credit cards
109) rewriting my to do list and realizing that it is shorter
110) Finishing projects


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