I've got the anxiety.
You know the kind when you don't know exactly why you might be anxious but you feel sort of nervous/twitchy/overly caffeinated? Yeah, like that.
Did I forget to do something? Turn off the iron? ( I'd actually have to iron for that to happen so it's most likely not that.) Did I forget about a project I'm now going to have to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off to finish? Or do I still have to do something that the idea of is making me anxious? Make a phone call? Tell someone bad news? Am I annoyed with something? Someone?
I don't know what it is.
Maybe it's punishment for actually finishing something this morning. Maybe I'm still in "git'er done" mode and there isn't anything I'm git'in done now so the energy is building up and making me all ...whatever.
I'm sending this nervous energy out into the universe via this post. Not to make all y'all nervous too but to dissipate it enough that it doesn't bother anyone.
You know the kind when you don't know exactly why you might be anxious but you feel sort of nervous/twitchy/overly caffeinated? Yeah, like that.
Did I forget to do something? Turn off the iron? ( I'd actually have to iron for that to happen so it's most likely not that.) Did I forget about a project I'm now going to have to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off to finish? Or do I still have to do something that the idea of is making me anxious? Make a phone call? Tell someone bad news? Am I annoyed with something? Someone?
I don't know what it is.
Maybe it's punishment for actually finishing something this morning. Maybe I'm still in "git'er done" mode and there isn't anything I'm git'in done now so the energy is building up and making me all ...whatever.
I'm sending this nervous energy out into the universe via this post. Not to make all y'all nervous too but to dissipate it enough that it doesn't bother anyone.
happy friday!