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I love, love, love, love, LOVE THIS!!!!!!

Here's a new reason to get out of bed in the morning: Dove's ProAge ad campaign. Maybe because I am without TV I'm a little behind in the times and you've already seen this, but damned if I wasn't smacked upside the head by this ad on the inside cover of Better Homes and Gardens this month.

For a second, I was shocked, but not necessarily because she's "old" or "large," but because she's naked. In Better Homes and Gardens! When I got over my initial "what the?!," I absolutely fell in love. This woman is gorgeous and sexy and sassy and you just want to reach into the ad, give her a high five, and take her out to dinner. And she's got body fat! Allefreakingluiah!

If we keep being exposed to these type of images, we might actually start considering this as the model body type (as opposed to the 13 year old anorexics we're forced to live up to. I'm sorry, but if I can make a ring around your clavicle with my fingers, you've got a problem.)

Here's another one to get us all adjusted to this fabulous new world. Freckles! Wrinkles! Saggy boobs! Gorgeous!


Anonymous said…
I love those ads too! I'm almost 42 and I gotta say that it sucks becoming "invisible" in the beauty world. It drives me ape shit to see an ad for an anti-aging cream and the model is clearly only in her 20s! of COURSE she looks great! she hasn't even had the chance to wrinkle! blargh. (thanks for turning me onto those ads!
Sassy Pants said…
I'll tell you what, it makes me want to go out and buy some Dove products. So I guess they got their money's worth out of the advertising agency.

The irony is that now I feel sad that I'm too "traditionally attractive" (i.e. youngish and thinish - heavy on the "ish") to be in one of those adds.

But, I'm definitely getting older everyday, so someday I'll live up to this beauty ideal. And I hope it is just that, ideal, when I too am that age.
Anonymous said…

stay smart.
-THE freshfruitcup
Anonymous said…
well those ads dont make me wanna go out and buy there products
Anonymous said…
I love those ads! I am doing research for a marketing class and these ads are pretty much my entire project! My project is, The GOOD Psychological Effect Advertising Has On The Average Person. We are taught so much that advertising is bad and it makes us feel bad, but I really think this just makes my point further. What people want to see is people and when they see that they are happy about it.
zaK said…
i'm a thirty year old man and i think these women are beautiful.
zaK said…
i'm a thirty year old man and i think these women are beautiful.

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