Besides having the goal of losing 7 pounds, I would like to state for the record, that I would love, love, love (exclamation point!) to be able to rock a dress like this one. To do so, I need fabulous shoulders, a waist, and non-stickyouty abs. I'm getting there on the shoulders because of the weight lifting. Losing 7 pounds will help the abs. The one thing I may have difficulty with is the waist. I just don't think that I am genetically programmed to go in in the middle. Mostly because my rib cage ends practically at my hip bone. It's hard to be an hour glass when you're more like an egg timer. But we'll see. Hope springs eternal.

For my own future reference, the dress is available here (and costs more than my wedding dress, prom dress, and a bridesmaid dress I once had to buy, combined). Still...
Interestingly enough, I posted this inspirational (and/or depressing depending on the moment) picture on this blog about 500 posts ago. I sense a theme. That theme may be "clavicles." I'd like to find mine.

For my own future reference, the dress is available here (and costs more than my wedding dress, prom dress, and a bridesmaid dress I once had to buy, combined). Still...
Interestingly enough, I posted this inspirational (and/or depressing depending on the moment) picture on this blog about 500 posts ago. I sense a theme. That theme may be "clavicles." I'd like to find mine.
