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Please sir, can I 'ave some more?

Let's talk about food shall we? Since I've got at least 5 people joining me this week on my quest to lose just one pound, I know that we're all thinking about it, so let's just put it right out there.

Food. It rocks. I like to eat it. I like to think of what I will be eating next -sometimes while eating the food currently in front of me. When I was growing up, my sister was always that bizarre person who would forget to eat meals. She also literally weighed 100 pounds at 5'5". Me? I'd forget I'd already eaten and eat again. You know, just in case. This is, of course, why I was always the heavy sister. (Until recently anyway. Popping out a couple of kids has changed my sister's figure dramatically.) I believe the word my kid brother used to describe me was "plumpish."

Oh how I loved being the nerd in a house of dancers. Of course now that they've grown up and stopped taking or teaching dance classes, my sister and brother both come to me for weight loss advice, or at least commiseration. I'll admit it, my motivation for weight loss is partly spite. How kick ass is it to be the skinny sibling for once? Very. Although I do feel their pain because they are living where I was in high school and college. Of course, they got to be skinny adolescents. But whatever. Enough about them, let's talk about me...and food.

I had a revelation yesterday when I did a quick run to the grocery store for breakfast food. (I had to start this week off on the right foot!) My revelation was this - My food spending habits are skewed. I realized that I was ok with spending $3.50 on a mocha latte that would last me about 20 minutes and pack a calorie wallop without providing any nutrients, but I wouldn't spend $5 on a half pint of raspberries that I love and are chock-a-block full of goodness.

I'm willing to spend more on crappy food I'll eat in an instant than I am on good for me food that may last several days (if I ration appropriately). This is good for me to know because now I can take appropriate action. I took the first step toward breaking that habit by purchasing those raspberries. I've already spread them out over two days and enjoyed every one. And since I know they are waiting for me at home, I have something to look forward to.

So, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go have my mid-morning snack of string cheesy and fantasize about lunch.


I totally know what you mean about loving food. It gives me moments to think about and anticipate and enjoy. I think I've also had times of "forgetting I already ate" and, subsequently, eaten again. About the only meal I ever forget to eat is breakfast on the weekends when I continue dozing while my boys eat their breakfast and don't realize that I should eat something when I do get up before we leave the house...even that is a rare occasion.
DecemberFlower said…
I think my brother is enjoying watching me put on weight. He was always the chubby one, while I was extremely thin in high school. College has done such wonderful damage to my eating habits and my body. :/

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