What's a feminist to do when on the one hand she is annoyed with the patriarchal society that glorifies fake boobs and violence against women and on the other hand is fascinated by the idea of working at Hooters?
Am I buying into the masculine ideas about what a woman should be - sexy, subservient, an object of desire, or am I wanting to be a woman - sexy, powerful, an object of desire?
It's a chicken and an egg problem. Which came first? Men's need for women to be a certain way in order to be attractive, or women's need to be a certain way in order to be happy with herself? What if in order to be happy with yourself you have to buy into feminine norms? What if you honest to goodness like feminine norms? Should you be chastized by the feminist movement for falling for what society calls for or should you be celebrated for doing what you like, even if that means high heels, lipstick and little orange shorts?
What's a modern day women to do if all she wants is to be oggled by a stranger every so often?
I was running yesterday and two guys in a car almost gave themselves whiplash checking me out. And I wasn't even in what I'd consider "cute" mode. They drove on. I guess one of the main issues is the difference between innocent oggling/appreciation for the female form (mine in particular) versus that car turning around and chatting me up. It's a fine line and I'm sure it's crossed over and over at Hooters. The fantasy of being a Hooter Girl versus the reality of it. The perpetuation of a myth that it's ok to oggle, because after all, these girls are letting me see them in these outfits...so I can joke a little... and then harass...and then touch...and then control...
I think I need to bust out my Steinem expose on the Playboy Club and refresh my memory a little.
Am I buying into the masculine ideas about what a woman should be - sexy, subservient, an object of desire, or am I wanting to be a woman - sexy, powerful, an object of desire?
It's a chicken and an egg problem. Which came first? Men's need for women to be a certain way in order to be attractive, or women's need to be a certain way in order to be happy with herself? What if in order to be happy with yourself you have to buy into feminine norms? What if you honest to goodness like feminine norms? Should you be chastized by the feminist movement for falling for what society calls for or should you be celebrated for doing what you like, even if that means high heels, lipstick and little orange shorts?
What's a modern day women to do if all she wants is to be oggled by a stranger every so often?
I was running yesterday and two guys in a car almost gave themselves whiplash checking me out. And I wasn't even in what I'd consider "cute" mode. They drove on. I guess one of the main issues is the difference between innocent oggling/appreciation for the female form (mine in particular) versus that car turning around and chatting me up. It's a fine line and I'm sure it's crossed over and over at Hooters. The fantasy of being a Hooter Girl versus the reality of it. The perpetuation of a myth that it's ok to oggle, because after all, these girls are letting me see them in these outfits...so I can joke a little... and then harass...and then touch...and then control...
I think I need to bust out my Steinem expose on the Playboy Club and refresh my memory a little.
you might want to take a little time to browse feministing's archives. editor jessica valenti and her contributors are big on the fact that wanting to show off what you've got -- and to be sex-positive about yourself and others -- is well within the bounds of responsible feminism.
and, from my perspective, so is pressing charges when someone crosses the line. even if your uniform invites eyes, it does invite hands. or words.