From Save the Males. (Written by the guy who inspired this post)
His own son thinks he's deluded.
"Tonight at supper I tried to impress my 19-year-old son with the heavy responsibility he bears as my sole heir.
"Some day you will inherit Save the Males," I said. "Perhaps you’d like to practice by writing a guest column."
"I already have a topic."
"What is it?" I am delighted.
"I'll write about how some people can't get ahead in life and pretend there is some grand conspiracy and blame society for their problems." "
Of course, he explains that his son lives with the ex-wife, a "feminist," so the kid is not to be blamed for his brainwashing. Me thinks the ex-wife is one of the luckiest women on the planet. She escaped this guys clutches and has an intelligent son. Go her.
His own son thinks he's deluded.
"Tonight at supper I tried to impress my 19-year-old son with the heavy responsibility he bears as my sole heir.
"Some day you will inherit Save the Males," I said. "Perhaps you’d like to practice by writing a guest column."
"I already have a topic."
"What is it?" I am delighted.
"I'll write about how some people can't get ahead in life and pretend there is some grand conspiracy and blame society for their problems." "
Of course, he explains that his son lives with the ex-wife, a "feminist," so the kid is not to be blamed for his brainwashing. Me thinks the ex-wife is one of the luckiest women on the planet. She escaped this guys clutches and has an intelligent son. Go her.
And at 19, I'd have to say that he's probably outgrown the conformity stage, or at least getting there.