Happy Divorceaversary to me. Happy Divorceaversary to me. Happy Divorcea ver s ary to MEEee! Happy Divorceaversary to me. That's right folks, one year ago today my divorce was final. I had thought it was December 1st but it's today. This is just as well because tomorrow is a different one year anniversary - it's the day I met Friendster Guy! Yeah! I'll tell you what, if I knew then how satisfying my life would be post-divorce, I would have gotten divorced in 2003, not 2005. Seriously. I went and saw a counselor in 2003 and that was the first time I muttered the word divorce. I guess at that point I wasn't quite ready. I wanted to give the relationship a try. Unfortunately X didn't. Which, in the long run, worked out for the best. It made for a bitch of a 2004-2005 but it made for a fabulous 2006. Here's to a great future. P.S. Happy last day of NaBloPoMo. Welcome to my Personal Thesis Writing Month (PerTheWriMo - it doesn't quite have the same ring thoug...
Sometimes a girl's gotta put on her big girl underoos & deal with it.